
A piece of mind...

Escaping characters in C# strings

A beginner guide to programming with .NET 5 and C#

Escaping characters in C# strings

In this article, we look at escaping characters in C# strings. But what is escaping, you may wonder? That’s how we write special characters or characters that would otherwise be impossible to include in a string, like ".

This article is part of a learn programming series where you need no prior knowledge of programming. If you want to learn how to program and want to learn it using .NET/C#, this is the right place. I suggest reading the whole series in order, starting with Creating your first .NET/C# program, but that’s not mandatory.

This article is part of a sub-series, starting with Introduction to string concatenation. It is not mandatory to read all articles in order, but I strongly recommend it, especially if you are a beginner. If you are already reading the whole series in order, please discard this word of advice.

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Introduction to string interpolation

A beginner guide to programming with .NET 5 and C#

Introduction to string interpolation

In this article, we continue to explore string manipulations by focusing on interpolation. Instead of concatenating many pieces together, interpolation allows us to insert special tokens inside a string. A value then replaces those tokens. Interpolation and concatenation play the same role, but often one ends up being more elegant than the other and makes the code easier to maintain.

This article is part of a learn programming series where you need no prior knowledge of programming. If you want to learn how to program and want to learn it using .NET/C#, this is the right place. I suggest reading the whole series in order, starting with Creating your first .NET/C# program, but that’s not mandatory.

This article is part of a sub-series, starting with Introduction to string concatenation. It is not mandatory to read all articles in order, but I strongly recommend it, especially if you are a beginner. If you are already reading the whole series in order, please discard this word of advice.

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Introduction to string concatenation

A beginner guide to programming with .NET 5 and C#

Introduction to string concatenation

In this article, we dig a little more into the string type. We also explore how to concatenate (combine) strings. As a programmer, you will often need to manipulate strings, concatenation and interpolation being two recurring themes. We will cover interpolation in the next installment.

This article is part of a learn programming series where you need no prior knowledge of programming. If you want to learn how to program and want to learn it using .NET/C#, this is the right place. I suggest reading the whole series in order, starting with Creating your first .NET/C# program, but that’s not mandatory.

This article is the first part of a sub-series showcasing the following articles:

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How to read user inputs from a console

A beginner guide to programming with .NET 5 and C#

How to read user inputs from a console

In this article, we explore how to read user inputs from the console. This article is the foundation of more dynamic notions enabling our programs to change based on user interactions and react to them. We also learn how to change the title of the console and how to delete its content.

This article is part of a learn programming series where you need no prior knowledge of programming. If you want to learn how to program and want to learn it using .NET/C#, this is the right place. I suggest reading the whole series in order, starting with Creating your first .NET/C# program, but that’s not mandatory.

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Introduction to C# comments

A beginner guide to programming with .NET 5 and C#

Introduction to C# comments

In this article, we explore how to write comments. Comments are simply human-readable pieces of text that are not compiled nor interpreted. A comment is usually a note that we can leave in the code for the next programmer to get into that code or for us. I left a few comments in preceding installments; did you noticed them?

This article is part of a learn programming series where you need no prior knowledge of programming. If you want to learn how to program and want to learn it using .NET/C#, this is the right place. I suggest reading the whole series in order, starting with Creating your first .NET/C# program, but that’s not mandatory.

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Introduction to C# constants

A beginner guide to programming with .NET 5 and C#

Introduction to C# constants

In this article, we explore constants. A constant is a special kind of variable. The kind that does not vary; they are immutable.

Immutable means that it cannot change.

This article is part of a learn programming series where you need no prior knowledge of programming. If you want to learn how to program and want to learn it using .NET/C#, this is the right place. I suggest reading the whole series in order, starting with Creating your first .NET/C# program, but that’s not mandatory.

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Introduction to C# variables

A beginner guide to programming with .NET 5 and C#

Introduction to C# variables

In this article, we explore variables. What they are, how to create them, and how to use them. Variables are one of the most important elements of a program, making it dynamic. Of course, there is more to variables than what we can cover in a single article; this is only the beginning.

This article is part of a learn programming series where you need no prior knowledge of programming. If you want to learn how to program and want to learn it using .NET/C#, this is the right place. I suggest reading the whole series in order, starting with Creating your first .NET/C# program, but that’s not mandatory.

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Creating your first .NET/C# program

A beginner guide to programming with .NET 5 and C#

Creating your first .NET/C# program

This article is the first of a learn programming series where you need no prior knowledge of programming. If you want to learn how to program and want to learn it using .NET/C#, this is the right place.

The first step of coding is to create a program. The program could be a simple console or a more complex application (web, mobile, game, etc.). To get started, we will create a console application, which is the simplest type of program that we can make. The good news is that most of the topics covered in this series are reusable across all types of programs.

Furthermore, .NET and C# allow you to create a wide variety of programs and target most markets, from web to mobile to smart TVs. I believe this is a good choice of technology to start with.

Beforehand, let’s look at the prerequisites.

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Book: An Atypical ASP.NET Core 5 Design Patterns Guide

Officially Published

Book: An Atypical ASP.NET Core 5 Design Patterns Guide

That’s official today, my book, An Atypical ASP.NET Core 5 Design Patterns Guide, is published; no more preordering! I’m thrilled to share this with you, and I hope you will love it. What a journey it was; I’m telling you!

But are you ready to begin your SOLID adventure into architectural principles, design patterns, .NET 5, and C# and learn about the following topics?

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Book: An Atypical ASP.NET Core 5 Design Patterns Guide

What's inside?

Book: An Atypical ASP.NET Core 5 Design Patterns Guide

Are you wondering what’s An Atypical ASP.NET Core 5 Design Patterns Guide is all about? Here I’ll list as much information as possible, from the highlights to the journey, passing by the list of patterns, architectural styles, and other stuff covered in the book.

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