How to deploy and host a Jekyll website in Azure blob storage using a VSTS continuous deployment pipeline

Part 1: The VSTS Build

Posted by Carl-Hugo Marcotte on July 10, 2018
How to deploy and host a Jekyll website in Azure blob storage using a VSTS continuous deployment pipeline
Photo by Jilbert Ebrahimi on Unsplash

Now the fun begins, we have a website to deploy, a VSTS project and a Git repository. It is time to start that continuous deployment pipeline we want to build!

Table of content

If you are beginning to read the article series, I recommend that you start by the introduction and prerequisites, to make sure you read the plan first then get all the prerequisites set up right.

Articles in this series
Introduction and prerequisites
In this article, we draw the plan and start the project. We will create a Jekyll website and create a VSTS project with a Git repository.
Part 1: The VSTS Build You are here
In this article, we create the Jekyll build definition in VSTS.
Part 2: Create Azure Blob Storage, and configure static website
In this article, we create an Azure Blob Storage and we configure it to be ready for the deployment phase.
Part 3: The VSTS Release
In this article, we create the release definition. At the end, every code push in `master` will be deployed automatically.
Part 4: Configuring a Content Delivery Network (CDN) Coming soon
In this article, we create the final piece of the puzzle, the way to access our Jekyll website using a custom domain over HTTPS. We also update the VSTS CD pipeline to account for this new addition.
Infrastructure as code
In this article, I give you the YAML code that you can use to automatically create the build definition by adding a `.vsts-ci.yml` file to your Jekyll website. This can replace "Part 1: The VSTS Build".

The first thing that we need is to create a Build definition.

Create a new VSTS build definition

Then select a source: choose your VSTS Git repository.

Select your repository

Then start with an Empty process.

Choose a template

From there we need to add a few tasks. Each task are executed in order during the build (or release) process.

To add a task click the + button, next to the phase.

Add task

Add build tasks

Since we know what we want to do, we can add all build tasks then we can configure them later one by one. This will save us some time. Productivity is always important!

Add Task 1: Ruby

Since we need Ruby, let’s start by adding that.

An excellent way to find what you are looking for is to use the search box.

Add a Ruby version build task

Add Task 2, 3 and 4: Command Line

We need to execute 3 commands:

  1. Install Jekyll and bundler
  2. Install Gems
  3. Build the Jekyll website

As you may have noticed, we are replaying the steps that we did to install Jekyll and to build the website locally. But instead of serve, we will build it.

We could use only one “Command Line” task here, but I prefer to split the commands in three tasks instead; I find it clearer this way (you will see).

Back to business: click 3 times on the “Add” button to add 3 Command Line task.

Add three command line build task

Add Task 5: Copy Files

Next, we want to copy the Jekyll output to the staging directory. To do so, use the Copy Files task.

Add a Copy Files build task

Add Task 6: Publish Build Artifacts

Finally, we want to publish the artifact that we copied with the previous task; to do so, add a Publish Build Artifacts task.

Add a Publish Build Artifacts build task

Configure build tasks

Now that the pipeline is initialized, we can configure it task by task; but, before going further, make sure that your build pipeline looks like this:

Unconfigured Build pipeline

Configure Task 1: Ruby

You can leave the Ruby task as is, no need to change anything.

Configure Task 2: Install Jekyll and bundler

I believe it is essential to give a relevant name to your tasks, so you and others know what they do by reading their name.

Configure Task 2: Install Jekyll and bundler

  • Display name: Install Jekyll and bundler
  • Script: gem install jekyll bundler

Configure Task 3: Install Gems

Configure Task 3: Install Gems

  • Display name: Install Gems
  • Script: bundle install

Configure Task 4: Build the Jekyll website

Configure Task 4: Build the Jekyll website

  • Display name: Build
  • Script: bundle exec jekyll build

Configure Task 5: Copy Files

For this one, we want the _site directory (where Jekyll generate the static website) to be copied to the $(build.artifactstagingdirectory).

We will use that directory in the next task to publish the files. Those files will then be accessible from the “build artifacts”.

Configure Task 5: Copy Files

  • Display name: Copy "_site" to staging directory
  • Source Folder: _site
  • Target Folder: $(build.artifactstagingdirectory)

Configure Task 6: Publish Build Artifacts

Finally, we want to publish the website as an artifact (that we will use later; during the release). To be more concise, let’s name the artifact _site instead of drop.

Configure Task 6: Publish Build Artifacts

  • Artifact name: _site

By looking at the build definition (from the above screenshot), it is easy to know what each task do, only by reading their name. This was my exact point when I talked about naming your tasks right.

Save and run the build

At this point, our build definition is completed. So let’s save and run it to make sure it is indeed working as expected.

I believe that it is essential to quickly test every building block of what you are developing (could be a program, a CD pipeline or something else; it doesn’t matter). If you wait too long before testing, you will first need to find what part is generating the problem before diagnosing and fixing it! You better limit the area you want to test to a minimum.

Save and queue VSTS build

Then keep the default values and hit Save & queue.

Save and queue VSTS build

Once the UI update, click on the build number, this will redirect you to the build details view.

VSTS build started

Form there, you should see the build start.

VSTS build started

And the build succeeded!

VSTS build succeeded

As you can probably imagine from this last screenshot, splitting one bigger script into multiple smaller tasks (and giving them proper names) can help you diagnostic build problems and help follow the build progression.

From this page, you should be able to download the build artifacts, if you want to make sure the artifacts published are what we expect them to be.

Download VSTS build artifacts

Configure Continuous Integration

Now that we know that our build works, the last piece is to set the build to trigger automatically every time someone pushes code to master.

You can also set policies that force users to create branches and pull requests and all that good stuff, but for this article, let’s keep it simple.

To edit to the build definition click the Edit pipeline button.

Click edit pipeline

Then navigate to the Triggers tab and check Enable continuous integration.

Enable continuous integration

Save the build definition, and voilĂ , each push will now queue a new build!

You can push some changes if you want to try it out!

Infrastructure as code

If you want to automatically create the build definition when you push your code instead of manually following all the steps (and at the same time automating the build process creation), you can jump to Infrastructure as code and use the provided YAML code.

Alternatively, if you know what I am talking about, here is the code:

  name: Hosted VS2017
  condition: succeeded()
- task: UseRubyVersion@0
  displayName: Use Ruby >= 2.4

- script: 'gem install jekyll bundler'
  displayName: Install Jekyll and bundler

- script: 'bundle install'
  displayName: Install Gems

- script: 'bundle exec jekyll build'
  displayName: Build

- task: CopyFiles@2
  displayName: Copy "_site" to staging directory
    SourceFolder: '_site'
    TargetFolder: '$(build.artifactstagingdirectory)'

- task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
  displayName: 'Publish Artifact: _site'
    ArtifactName: '_site'

Next step

It is now time to move to the next article: Part 2: Create Azure Blob Storage, and configure static website.
