Design Patterns: Asp.Net Core Web API, services, and repositories

Part 4: Services and the ClanService

Posted by Carl-Hugo Marcotte on August 22, 2017
Design Patterns: Asp.Net Core Web API, services, and repositories

In the last article, we built the empty ClansController. We also created a failing test for its only action. That test is testing our expectation of the ClansController.ReadAllAsync() action. However, since our action’s body is composed of only that one line: throw new NotImplementedException();; it cannot pass.

In this article, we will focus on the services part of the patterns. To do so, we will create the IClanService interface and its default implementation, the ClanService class. In the process, we will update the ClansController and ensure that its test pass. As you may expect, we will also create unit tests for the ClanService class.

Skip the shared part

The series (shared section)

In the series, we will create an Asp.Net Core 2.0 Web API, and we will focus on the following major concerns:

  1. The web part; the HTTP request and response handling.
  2. The business logic; the domain.
  3. The data access logic; reading and writing data.

During the article, I will try to include the thinking process behind the code.

Technology-wise, we will use Asp.Net Core, Azure Table Storage and ForEvolve Framework to build the Web API.

To use the ForEvolve Framework (or let’s say toolbox), you will need to install packages from a custom NuGet feed. If you dont know How to use a custom NuGet feed in Visual Studio 2017, feel free to take a look at this article. If you do, the ForEvolve NuGet feed URI is

We will also use XUnit and Moq for both unit and integration testing.

Table of content

Article Source code
Part 1: Introduction 1. NinjaApi - Starting point
Part 2: Dependency Injection DependencyInjection sample
Part 3: Models and Controllers 3. NinjaApi - ClansControllers
Part 4: Services and the ClanService 4. NinjaApi - The ClanService
Part 5: Repositories, the ClanRepository, and integration testing 5. NinjaApi - Clans completed
Part 6: the NinjaController and the ninja sub-system 6. NinjaApi - NinjaController
Part 7: the NinjaService 7. NinjaApi - NinjaService
Part 8: Azure table storage and the data model 8. NinjaApi - NinjaEntity
Part 9: the NinjaMappingService and the Façade pattern 9. NinjaApi - NinjaMappingService
Part 10: the NinjaRepository and ForEvolve.Azure 10. NinjaApi - NinjaRepository
Part 11: Integration testing 11. NinjaApi - IntegrationTesting
More might come someday…  

I will update the table of content as the series progress.


In the series, I will cover multiple subjects, more or less in details, and I will assume that you have a little idea about what a Web API is, that you know C# and that you already have a development environment setup (i.e.: Visual Studio, Asp.Net Core, etc.).

The goal

At the end of this article series, you should be able to program an Asp.Net Core Web API in a structured and testable way using the explained techniques (design patterns). These design patterns offer a clean way to follow the Single Responsibility Principle.

Since design patterns are language-agnostic, you can use them in different applications and languages. In an Angular application, you will most likely use Dependency Injection for example.

This is one of the beauties of design patterns; they are tools to be used, not feared!

Asp.Net Core 2.0

At the time of the writing, Asp.Net Core 2.0 was still in prerelease, and I updated the code samples to use the release version.

You will need the .NET Core 2.0.0 SDK and Visual Studio 2017 update 3 or the IDE/code editor of your choosing.


As we saw in the first part of the series, a controller must delegate the domain logic to an external class; the service will play that role.

A service should encapsulate a unit of domain logic. For this article, that unit is the clans.

Creation of the IClanService interface

A service could be seen as an extension of the controller or as a “unit of domain logic.” In the case of the IClanService, we will implement more methods that our controller offers to our clients.

I may use those methods in a future article, but for now, it will help me explain the concept behind the service.

namespace ForEvolve.Blog.Samples.NinjaApi.Services
    public interface IClanService
        Task<IEnumerable<Clan>> ReadAllAsync();
        Task<Clan> ReadOneAsync(string clanName);
        Task<bool> IsClanExistsAsync(string clanName);
        Task<Clan> CreateAsync(Clan clan);
        Task<Clan> UpdateAsync(Clan clan);
        Task<Clan> DeleteAsync(string clanName);

If we take a closer look at our domain logic, we have CRUD operations and a validation method that tells us if a clan exist or not.

For example, in another article, we will use the IsClanExistsAsync method to ensure that ninjas are not trying to trick us with fake clans!

Controller update

Now, we will update our controller, so it uses our new service interface, and we will use Moq to Mock<T> the service in our controller tests.

What is a Mock?

Mocks are objects [...] pre-programmed with expectations which form a specification of the calls they are expected to receive.
Definition by Martin Fowler in its article Mocks Aren't Stubs

What is Moq?

Moq is the most popular and friendly mocking framework for .NET
Definition by the Moq Team, from there GitHub repository page.


Since we defined the IClanService we can now use its ReadAllAsync method in the ClansController. The throw new NotImplementedException(); was fun, but not that fun. It is now the time to get rid of it and complete our ClansController implementation.

This is the nice thing about decoupling code with interfaces; we can update the controller only by using a contract (interface). We do not even need a working implementation. Moreover, this also means that the injected service can be of any type, as long as it implements the contract, leading to a flexible system.

Let’s read some code that speaks for itself.

namespace ForEvolve.Blog.Samples.NinjaApi.Controllers
    public class ClansController : Controller
        private readonly IClanService _clanService;

        public ClansController(IClanService clanService) // Injection of IClanService
            _clanService = clanService ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(clanService)); // Guard

        [ProducesResponseType(typeof(IEnumerable<Clan>), 200)]
        public async Task<IActionResult> ReadAllAsync()
            throw new NotImplementedException();

What have we changed?

  • We prepared the ClansController to have a IClanService implementation injected in its constructor.
  • We added a guard clause to make sure it is not null. See Part 2: Dependency Injection for more info.


Now that we updated the ClansController, it is time to update our ClansControllerTest class as well.

Let’s jump into some more code.

namespace ForEvolve.Blog.Samples.NinjaApi.Controllers
    public class ClansControllerTest
        protected ClansController ControllerUnderTest { get; }
        protected Mock<IClanService> ClanServiceMock { get; }

        public ClansControllerTest()
            ClanServiceMock = new Mock<IClanService>(); // IClanService mock
            ControllerUnderTest = new ClansController(ClanServiceMock.Object);

        public class ReadAllAsync : ClansControllerTest
            public async void Should_return_OkObjectResult_with_a_list_clans()
                // Arrange
                var expectedClans = new Clan[]
                    new Clan { Name = "Test clan 1" },
                    new Clan { Name = "Test clan 2" },
                    new Clan { Name = "Test clan 3" }
                    .Setup(x => x.ReadAllAsync())
                    .ReturnsAsync(expectedClans); // Mocked the ReadAllAsync() method

                // Act
                var result = await ControllerUnderTest.ReadAllAsync();

                // Assert
                var okResult = Assert.IsType<OkObjectResult>(result);
                Assert.Same(expectedClans, okResult.Value);

What have we changed?

  • We created an IClanService mock to simulate a service implementation (we are testing our controller, not the service itself).
  • We mocked the ReadAllAsync() method to return our expectedClans collection (we could also see this as controlling dependencies behaviors).

If we run the test, it will still fail, but it is expected and ok. I am taking my time, doing it step by step, to explore the mental process behind programming and testing. I could only show off some code, but GitHub is there for you if that is what you want.

Lets make this test pass

Back to our ClansController, it is time for that test to pass, right?

Let’s jump right to the code again.

namespace ForEvolve.Blog.Samples.NinjaApi.Controllers
    public class ClansController : Controller
        private readonly IClanService _clanService;

        public ClansController(IClanService clanService)
            _clanService = clanService ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(clanService));

        [ProducesResponseType(typeof(IEnumerable<Clan>), 200)]
        public async Task<IActionResult> ReadAllAsync()
            var allClans = await _clanService.ReadAllAsync();
            return Ok(allClans);

What have we changed?

We replaced the throw new NotImplementedException(); with the following two lines, making our test pass.

But what are those lines do?

  • var allClans = await _clanService.ReadAllAsync(); delegate the responsability of everthing but the HTTP request to the IClanService and get a collection of Clan in return.
  • return Ok(allClans); return an HTTP status code 200 OK to the client; with, as the response body, the clans.

If we take a second look, the controller now handles both the HTTP request and response delegating the domain logic to the service, which was pretty much our initial description. The controller is not aware of anything else.

The service

Now that the ClansController test pass and the IClanService interface is defined, it is time to create the ClanService class (the class name is unexpected, right?).

We will create the class in the Services directory; leading to the following VS-implemented interface skeleton.

namespace ForEvolve.Blog.Samples.NinjaApi.Services
    public class ClanService : IClanService
        public Task<Clan> CreateAsync(Clan clan)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        public Task<Clan> DeleteAsync(string clanName)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        public Task<bool> IsClanExistsAsync(string clanName)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        public Task<IEnumerable<Clan>> ReadAllAsync()
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        public Task<Clan> ReadOneAsync(string clanName)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        public Task<Clan> UpdateAsync(Clan clan)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

Testing the ClanService class

Before going further, let’s write some tests about our expectations of the service behaviors.

We are creating an in-memory implementation of the IClanService interface. Why? Because this will let us cover the design pattern before connecting a real data source to the project. This will also give us the opportunity to talk about and use the patterns twice.

  1. Let’s start with ReadAllAsync: this method is expected to return all the clans.
  2. ReadOneAsync should return the Clan object or null if the clan does not exist.
  3. IsClanExistsAsync should return true if the Clan exists, otherwise it should return false.
  4. CreateAsync, UpdateAsync and DeleteAsync should all throw a NotSupportedException since no data is persisted anywhere but in-memory.

Why throw NotSupportedException?

I throw a NotSupportedException because the component does not support the operations (yet).

I could have omitted the CreateAsync, UpdateAsync and DeleteAsync methods from the interface. But the day that I want to move my clans to a real database (which should happen one day or another), I would have to change my IClanService interface, which could break other parts of the system. This is especially true if there are external references on the assembly (in another scenario). Of course, in this demo project we can easily assess the consequences of such modifications, but in a real project, this can quickly become harder.

I could also have implemented the full Clans API (in the ClansController) exposing all CRUD operations. In this case, the NotSupportedException would have told the consumers that the service does not (yet) support that operation.

As a last note on this, usually, you do not want additional operations and unnecessary code, you want to keep your system to what is necessary and only to that. Adding functionalities that are not used only add to the project maintenance cost.

All of these expectations in code looks like this:

namespace ForEvolve.Blog.Samples.NinjaApi.Services
    public class ClanServiceTest
        protected ClanService ServiceUnderTest { get; }

        public ClanServiceTest()
            ServiceUnderTest = new ClanService();

        public class ReadAllAsync : ClanServiceTest
            public async Task Should_return_all_clans()
                // Arrange
                var expectedClans = new ReadOnlyCollection<Clan>(new List<Clan>
                    new Clan { Name = "My Clan" },
                    new Clan { Name = "Your Clan" },
                    new Clan { Name = "His Clan" }

                // Act
                var result = await ServiceUnderTest.ReadAllAsync();

                // Assert
                Assert.Same(expectedClans, result);

        public class ReadOneAsync : ClanServiceTest
            public async Task Should_return_the_expected_clan()
                // Arrange
                var clanName = "My Clan";
                var expectedClan = new Clan { Name = clanName };

                // Act
                var result = await ServiceUnderTest.ReadOneAsync(clanName);

                // Assert
                Assert.Same(expectedClan, result);

            public async Task Should_return_null_if_the_clan_does_not_exist()
                // Arrange
                var clanName = "My Clan";

                // Act
                var result = await ServiceUnderTest.ReadOneAsync(clanName);

                // Assert

        public class IsClanExistsAsync : ClanServiceTest
            public async Task Should_return_true_if_the_clan_exist()
                // Arrange
                var clanName = "Your Clan";

                // Act
                var result = await ServiceUnderTest.IsClanExistsAsync(clanName);

                // Assert
            public async Task Should_return_false_if_the_clan_does_not_exist()
                // Arrange
                var clanName = "Unexisting Clan";

                // Act
                var result = await ServiceUnderTest.IsClanExistsAsync(clanName);

                // Assert

        public class CreateAsync : ClanServiceTest
            public async Task Should_create_and_return_the_specified_clan()
                // Arrange, Act, Assert
                var exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync<NotSupportedException>(() => ServiceUnderTest.CreateAsync(null));

        public class UpdateAsync : ClanServiceTest
            public async Task Should_update_and_return_the_specified_clan()
                // Arrange, Act, Assert
                var exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync<NotSupportedException>(() => ServiceUnderTest.UpdateAsync(null));

        public class DeleteAsync : ClanServiceTest
            public async Task Should_delete_and_return_the_specified_clan()
                // Arrange, Act, Assert
                var exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync<NotSupportedException>(() => ServiceUnderTest.DeleteAsync(null));

The end of this article

At this point, if we hit the “Run All” button of the Visual Studio “Test Explorer” window, we should see one passing test and eight failing tests.

Again, this may not sound that good, but it is. In the next article, we will write enough code to have all of our tests pass.

What have we covered in this article?

We talked about the service’s role. We completed the ClansController implementation. We also created more unit tests to keep improving the quality of our Ninja App.

What’s next?

In the next article, we will talk about the Repositories pattern, create the IClanRepository interface and the ClanRepository class. We will also complete the ClanService class, update its tests to make them pass and create more automated tests.

Last word (shared section)

Table of content

Article Source code
Part 1: Introduction 1. NinjaApi - Starting point
Part 2: Dependency Injection DependencyInjection sample
Part 3: Models and Controllers 3. NinjaApi - ClansControllers
Part 4: Services and the ClanService 4. NinjaApi - The ClanService
Part 5: Repositories, the ClanRepository, and integration testing 5. NinjaApi - Clans completed
Part 6: the NinjaController and the ninja sub-system 6. NinjaApi - NinjaController
Part 7: the NinjaService 7. NinjaApi - NinjaService
Part 8: Azure table storage and the data model 8. NinjaApi - NinjaEntity
Part 9: the NinjaMappingService and the Façade pattern 9. NinjaApi - NinjaMappingService
Part 10: the NinjaRepository and ForEvolve.Azure 10. NinjaApi - NinjaRepository
Part 11: Integration testing 11. NinjaApi - IntegrationTesting
More might come someday…  


Some additional resources used during the article (or not).

Articles & concepts

Tools & technologies

Code samples

Special thanks

I’d like to finish with special thanks to Emmanuel Genest who took the time to read my drafts and give me comments from a reader point of view.
